Cambridge School of Monterrey
To be the best we can be
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Discovering the Wonders of Life

Preschoolers discover their personal identity and learn to be autonomous through the expressive forms of language. We teach both Spanish and English languages.


Within our academic curriculum we included 5 subjects that contribute to the expression of ideas, thoughts and feelings. The materials that promote language and communication skills are: Spanish , English, Phonics, Spelling and Writing.


Exploring the World of Science and Technology

Scientific language is essential to understand the reality that surrounds our society . By studying science, students better understand the technological innovations and scientific breakthroughs that happen today. These phenomena are more common in the new context of students, therefore, it is important to understand and comprehend the new scientific advances. Students begin to explore the world of science and technology through the following subjects: Science, Mathematics and Computing.


Integral Education

Cambridge School is committed to a comprehensive development of students that encourages attitudes and values according to the student’s environment. The sensitivity of the students is fostered through the exploration of nature. Also, they discover that teamwork is critical to achieve an interpersonal intelligence. During this stage of early life, kids have different activities that complement their education like art, culture and sports. For us, integral education is supported with the following subjects: art class, physical education, values and psychomotor skills.

Family Events

Family is vital for our preschoolers. Cambridge students constantly interact with their family members, especially with their parents and grandparents.




Mitras Campus
Paseo de los Leones 648,
Mitras Centro Monterrey, NL
1257-1910, 1257-1911
Cumbres Campus
Monte Everest 128,
Cerradas de Cumbres, Monterrey, NL
1257-1900 al 1257-1903
North Campus
Benito Juárez 225,
La Encomienda Escobedo, NL.
1958-3810 al 1958-3819
Dominio Cumbres Campus
Av. Alejandro de Rodas 3000,
Dominio Cumbres, García N.L.
4040-1590 y 4040-1599