Cambridge School of Monterrey
To be the best we can be
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Educational Philosophy

In Cambridge School of Monterrey the priority and fundamental purpose of our institution are our students. With this focus we should participate ethically and responsibly in serving and transcending with our community.


The teachers and administrative staff are responsible for permeating our sense of excellence represented by our slogan “To be the best we can be”.


Interaction between teacher and students should always be consistent with our institutional values like: Honesty, Responsibility, Respect, Self-Discipline and Patriotism.


It is necessary to continuosly investigate about new pedagogical methods, innovative perspectives and technological resources that allow us an updated education for our fellow students.

Mitras Campus
Paseo de los Leones 648,
Mitras Centro Monterrey, NL
1257-1910, 1257-1911
Cumbres Campus
Monte Everest 128,
Cerradas de Cumbres, Monterrey, NL
1257-1900 al 1257-1903
North Campus
Benito Juárez 225,
La Encomienda Escobedo, NL.
1958-3810 al 1958-3819
Dominio Cumbres Campus
Av. Alejandro de Rodas 3000,
Dominio Cumbres, García N.L.
4040-1590 y 4040-1599