Cambridge School of Monterrey
To be the best we can be
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About CCM






In August 2000 Cambridge School of Monterrey begins its operations with the purpose of educating students based on our slogan: “To be the best we can be”. Our institution started its educative services at our first campus in Mitras.


After several years of effort and successful academic achievements, Cambridge School opens its second campus in Cumbres. This campus opened in 2004.


In August 2013, the last campus was inaugurated on the North side of the metropolitan area of Monterrey. This campus is usually called North Campus and it is located in Escobedo, NL.



Cambridge School of Monterrey is a Pre-K to 9 bilingual Institution of education committed to excellence in developing skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values which together develop life competencies for each our students. Through their responsible and critical thinking, along with active, innovative and integral teaching, we form an alliance of collaborative participation with teachers, parents, and students in the pursuit of ethical and global awareness.



To be a leading and sustainable Institution with the priority of teaching universal values and academics, with students that are known for being competent in different social environments, with teachers collaborating professionally and efficiently, and with parents supporting their children´s integral wellbeing and thus favoring quality in education.


Values constitute one of the most important pillars of our educative model. We consider 5 values that guide our principles and daily actions.


Being educated with values is indispensable for our students in order to develop knowledge and skills during the process of teaching and learning.



Mitras Campus
Paseo de los Leones 648,
Mitras Centro Monterrey, NL
1257-1910, 1257-1911
Cumbres Campus
Monte Everest 128,
Cerradas de Cumbres, Monterrey, NL
1257-1900 al 1257-1903
North Campus
Benito Juárez 225,
La Encomienda Escobedo, NL.
1958-3810 al 1958-3819
Dominio Cumbres Campus
Av. Alejandro de Rodas 3000,
Dominio Cumbres, García N.L.
4040-1590 y 4040-1599